Wednesday 19 May 2010

Several throwaway comments on games I have played in the past year.

Prince of Persia (newest): It is OK, not as good as the last 3, the removal of death as a deterrent is irritating, I wish they had not done it, it seems like a way to appeal to "casuals". I think the combat is dry and repetitive also. 

Smash Bros:brawl: Overall an excellent game, however a lot of the mechanics from melee worked better in my opinion. 

Halo Wars: the best RTS I have played on a console, over simplified compared to PC ones, although that is to be expected. It is a pity Ensemble don't exist anymore

Farcry 2: an excellent game for what I have played of it but very hard to get into, I mean 2-4 hours in and you will start to get it. well worth it, the visuals are beautiful sunrises especially and night time is very nice too. Get it if you can.

The Maw:cute platformer with some great game mechanics, although it is a little short, there are a couple of items of DLC available Which I may buy. If you have a 360 get it, as it is only 800 msp with each each item of DLC being 100 msp. It's also on PC

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition: Really like this game and the wii controls work excellently, so glad I picked it up especially for only £15

Gears of war 2: been getting back into the multiplayer, which is excellent when it doesn't lag, the campaign is pretty fun too. Although not recommended for younger gamers.

However it did not "blow me away" []

No More Heroes: Quite repetitive in certain aspects but great looking, as well as having excellent characters. some of the finishing moves are a little unresponsive for me though.

Resident Evil 4 Wii: I know I have mentioned this earlier but I finished it a couple of days ago and it has been one of the best games I have played recently and love it.

Fable 2: Got the newest DLC been enjoying it especially revisiting Oakvale, although it is far too short like the game.

Dead Space: Picked this up a while ago (was only £15), only just started it last night, really enjoying it so far, the lack of direct hud helps build atmosphere. I would recommend this to any gamer who is a fan of the survival horror genre (in particular resident evil 4). While it isn't the best game ever it goes to show how much EA have improved recently along with other recent titles such as mirrors edge and others.

Lost Odyssey: I have been in the mood for a JRPG recently, and my preorder for Star Ocean: The Last Hope Limited Edition hasn't arrived yet. However I have this and never finished it. I am roughly 20 hours into it although my favourite part about the game has nothing to do with the main story line, by this I mean I absolutely love the short stories called Dreams, they are fanatasically written and amazingly scored, with these properties they can be (and usually are) very touching. Well worth getting hold of if you appreciate JRPGs and have a 360

Burnout Paradise: Utterly fantastic game, I tried the demo ages ago, when I did I just didn't like the feel of it and the amount of open space there was (in the same way the beginning of Far Cry 2 did). However I picked the demo up again due to hearing many good things about it, put some effort into it and enjoyed it, I picked up the ultimate box today for £20, which is a pretty good deal as the standard game retails for above £15. The open world system is fantastic and implemented more successfully than the one in Need for Speed Undercover. However it isn't a straight racer, it involves elements similar to platformers to gain 100% completion (launching from a series of ramps to break a billboard or make a super jump).

Star Ocean: The Last Hope:
 I really want to love this more than I seem to, I really like the combat, I don't mind the weird china doll like character design, there just seems to be something missing which I cannot put my finger on.

Marvel Vs Capcom 2: I suck at this, getting better at stringing combos together though. Current team is Cycle, Venom and War Machine.

Shadow Complex: A great game with the mechanics, the story itself is dreadful. I want the game to be brighter and more colourful, which generally doesn't happen in Unreal engine 3 games, unless you are Mirror's Edge.  

Street Fighter IV: I still suck at fighting games, this is no exception. However with my recent purchase of a stick my game has noticeably improved.

Marvel VS Capcom 2: Been playing a lot of this with a friend who is into fighters. I am better at this than with SF4 but not yet god enough to play many other people. Again using a stick has definitely improved my game.

Mass Effect: Replaying along the Renegade path as a woman, the female actor seems to fit the role really quite well. The dialogue paths and options are some of the best in any game which I have played, in this respect it seems like those in an adventure game, but better. Some of the combat is frustrating with my character being of a low level at the moment.

Halo ODST: It's a shooter and it's made by Bungie (who know how to make shooters whatever you say). Firefight is the best survival mode which I have ever played. Need For Speed Shift: an Okay game, with a f**kton of glitches, when/if they patch it it will be a lot better.

Civilization 4 Complete: really liking it so far, bit confused with a few things but I shoud get the hang of it.

Forza 3: Easily the best racing game I have played, also the most I have enjoyed a game this much in years.

Left 4 Dead 2: It's pretty much fantastic, a lot of minor yet noticable differences. An excellent game none the less.

Mass Effect 2: This is an utterly fantastic game, it also seems quite likely to be my favourite in the coming year.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta: A really fun game, particularly if playing with friends to play off of. Though a lot of people were playing it a deathmatch game, which sucked.

Team Fortress 2: A really fun game to have got back into, though I cannot believe it will be 3 years old this year.

The Witcher: I love how this game feels, kind of like a cop game, but in a medieval fantasy world. There are a few clunky design aspects with respect to inventory and quests, but once you get past them it's all fine and dandy. 

Halo Reach (beta): It's pretty rad, quite different to the previous titles, yet still retaining the feeling of Halo. It's closest to the original in feel, yet the game it reminds me the most of would have to be Star Wars: Republic Commando (the best thing related to the pretend/prequel trilogy).

CoD: MW2: Exactly what I needed at the time, mindless shooting and lots of explosions.

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