Friday 22 October 2010

Are gamers selfish?

With the continued irritation from 'core gamers' (I really don't like this term) at motion controls be they “Kinect”, “Move” or “Wii” I wonder why they care. These platforms are clearly not aimed at them, yet they feel the need to attack them or even wish for them to completely fail. Those who game fear change, if they had their way we would be playing Elite 17 which would likely be the same game as the first (which was an utterly fantastic game). Pessimism is not a great way of looking forward, be optimistic about games.

It seems like all the parts about geek culture that I work really hard to separate myself from (geeks are losers, the primary goal in life is to find a girlfriend, finding said girlfriend is the ultimate prize, ... and that being, as you put it, "oblivious and selfish" are common traits among all geeks that deserve to be looked past because we have hearts of gold blah blah blah entitled bullshit whydon'tthecheerleadersloveme...) being extolled and celebrated. These things are bad things to be and believe ... I love videogames. I like a whole lot of geek culture. But that stereotype is why I still feel a twinge of shame when I call myself a gamer in mixed company. In their minds, I'm being equated with people who believe that.” A quote from a friend.

I pretty much agree with this sentiment, though I am not ashamed of being called a gamer, I tend to feel embarrassed by other gamers. The cycle of selfishness extends to almost all areas of gaming:

PC gamers claiming a game is dumbed down for consoles,
Fanboyism for certain consoles,
Feeling betrayed when an originally exclusive franchise goes multiplatform,
among plenty of others.

If you don't like something, which you say you aren't going to buy should you complain? No, of course not. One should champion that which he/she enjoys (I have sung Chaos Theory's praise for the past 5 years).

Kinect”, “Move and the “Wii” have not ended franchises, they have in-fact done the opposite, “Kid Icarus” is back, “Kirby” is back, “Rayman” is back, etc. Further to this your “Call of Duty”, “Halo”, “Uncharted”, “Starcraft” franchises are not going to go away, they sell in such phenomenal quantities I expect they will continue to exist for the foreseeable future; hell even lesser known series such as “The Witcher”, “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” continue to exist.

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